I want to tell you bad and good stories.
Lets start with bad one.
I went to Novi Sad, a city of Serbia, for Exit Fest. I was waiting this festival for a long time and it was time.I left from job, it was friday, everything was complately okay, I was ready. I was alone (favorite) I entered to festival area, I saw a dance show etc. I met with somone, I found company, everything was perfect. After I found myself in police bus (it was full dark) because
of some stupied reason. Namely I was arrested. Everything was reversed!
Officer said, we are going to police station and we spend whole night in the station. But I had to be at the festival, can you imagine the falling? Devid Guetta was playing! I am not fun of him but, I prefer him instead of police station.
Anyway we went the station, some paper-works around 2 hours and after lock-up. There were 25 foreign people I was shocked. I needed to sleep. I found a place, I reached, I was tired and dispirited, namely I was ready to sleep. But I remember that; I showed to some ranking polices my sketch book, when they asked who I am? But did I take my sketch book from the desk? FUCK! It is my everything, my postcard, my women illustrations! I went to polices whowaiting in front of door and i said bla bla. They said me if you left it in the festival area, it gone!
I turned back to room, it was like the end of the world. I thought it finished, first time I thought that I will turn back to Turkey. I was very very nervous. After 2-3 minutes i heard a woman voice, it said Hüseyin. It was 3 AM. I runned to door and I saw a woman who I showed the skecthes
in festival, ranking police. I saw a smile face of woman and I saw my sketch book in the hands of her. She especially brought my skecth book to the station. It was miracle! I was happy, even polices happy.They said, you are very lucky man! After that I slept till morning, on the ground, it was perfect :)
I want to tell you bad and good stories.
Lets start with bad one.
I went to Novi Sad, a city of Serbia, for Exit Fest. I was waiting this festival for a long time and it was time.I left from job, it was friday, everything was complately okay, I was ready. I was alone (favorite) I entered to festival area, I saw a dance show etc. I met with somone, I found company, everything was perfect. After I found myself in police bus (it was full dark) because
of some stupied reason. Namely I was arrested. Everything was reversed!
Officer said, we are going to police station and we spend whole night in the station. But I had to be at the festival, can you imagine the falling? Devid Guetta was playing! I am not fun of him but, I prefer him instead of police station.
Anyway we went the station, some paper-works around 2 hours and after lock-up. There were 25 foreign people I was shocked. I needed to sleep. I found a place, I reached, I was tired and dispirited, namely I was ready to sleep. But I remember that; I showed to some ranking polices my sketch book, when they asked who I am? But did I take my sketch book from the desk? FUCK! It is my everything, my postcard, my women illustrations! I went to polices whowaiting in front of door and i said bla bla. They said me if you left it in the festival area, it gone!
I turned back to room, it was like the end of the world. I thought it finished, first time I thought that I will turn back to Turkey. I was very very nervous. After 2-3 minutes i heard a woman voice, it said Hüseyin. It was 3 AM. I runned to door and I saw a woman who I showed the skecthes
in festival, ranking police. I saw a smile face of woman and I saw my sketch book in the hands of her. She especially brought my skecth book to the station. It was miracle! I was happy, even polices happy.They said, you are very lucky man! After that I slept till morning, on the ground, it was perfect :)
Good one;
I rented home in Belgrade and I hosted travellers. I was guest in Belarus, now I am host. Anyway, I had guest from New Zeland, Isabel. She stayed a day at my place. She saw my postcard and she wanted to buy, I said I can give you as gift but I forgot. One day Isabel sent me a message with a
picture. It was my postcard on the fridge but I did not give it to her. But I gave to IQ hostel in Moldova. A traveller who frend of Isabel went to Moldova and send postcard photos to Isabel. I am from Turkey, Isabel from New Zeland, we met in Serbia, my postcard in Moldova, I do not know nationality of her friend. My postcard found me. I felt very happy. It was one of special time during my project. What a beautiful coincidence. The world is not so big.
Bazı iyi kötü hikayelerim var.
Hadi kötüsünden başlayalım.
Epeydir beklediğim Exit Festivalinin zamanı gelmişti. Cuma günü işten çıktım, Novi Sad'a (Sırp şehri) gittim. Şehri dolaştım, yemek yedim, bira içtim, kalabalığa karıştım. Her şey çok yolundaydı. Festival alanına girdim, fantastik bir şova denk geldim onu izledim, müthişti. Sonra arkadaşlar edindim vs. keyfim çok yerindeydi, ta ki kendimi polis arabasında (şu arka sokaklar minübüsünden) bulana kadar. Her şey tersine dönmüştü. Tutuklanmıştm. Festivalde David Guetta çalıyordu ama ben nezarethanedeydim. Hayranı değilim kendisinin ama nezaretteyken senin için ölürüm David moduna girdim. Çünkü nezaretteydim ve biletimin olduğu festivalde insanlar eğleniyordu. Düşüşe gel!
Nezarete gitmek de öyle kolay olmadı tabi, bir sürü evrak işi vs. çok yorulmuştum. Sonunda nezarete attılar, 25 tane yabancı insan bir aradaydık. Hepsi festival insanı, kızlı erkekli aynı yere doldurdular. Uyumam lazım yoksa kafayı yerim ben dedim. Gözüme bir yer kestirdim, çantamı yastık yaptım, uzandım. Şimdi ne güzel uyurum derken aklıma eskiz defterim geldi. Festival alanında yetkili polisler kimsin necisin diye sorduğunda çıkarmış, çizimlerimi göstermiştim. İnanmak istemedim ama
eskiz deferimi orada unuttuğum gerçeği beynimde dönüyordu. Eskiz defterim; her şeyim! İçinde kartpostal çizimlerim, kadın illüstrasyonlarım var. Belarus kadınını daha pc ye aktarmamıştım bile. Fırlayıp kapıda bekleyen polislere gittim, durumu anlattım, ohooo festival alanında bıraktıysan gitti o dediler. Çok gerildim, lanet olsun, bitti dedim. İlk defa vazgeçmeyi düşündüm! Yerime gittim, uyumaya çalışmalıyım yoksa kafayı sıyırırım burada dedim lakin uyuyacağımı hiç sanmıyordum. Eskiz defterim gitmişti! Gecem berbat olmuştu!
Aradan 5 dk geçti ya da geçmedi bir kadın sesi duydum, Hüseyin dedi. Kalktım kapıya gittim. Festival alanındaki yetkili polis ablaydı. Yüzünde gülümseme elinde eskiz defterim vardı. Nasıl mutlu oldum anlatamam, mucizeydi. Bizzat nezarethaneye kadar getirmişti, polislerle de gönderebilirdi vs ama saat 3 de bizzat getirmişti. Kapıdaki polisler dahi mutlu oldular defter gelince. Sen çok şanslı adamsın dediler. Sonra yere uzanıp çılgınlar gibi uyudum. David umurumda değildi.
İyisi ise şöyle;
Belgrad'da evim olduğu için gezginleri misafir etmem gerekiyordu çünkü hem yeni insanlar tanık için iyi bir fırsattı hem de Belarus'ta 1 ay boyunca misafir olmuştum, sıra bendeydi. Neyse Isabel isimli Yeni Zellanda'lı bir misafirim vardı. Kartpostallarımı gördğ, satın almak istediğini söyledi, ayıbediyon sana bedava dedim ama vermeyi unuttum. Aradan zaman geçti Isabel bana mesajla bir fotoğraf gönderdi, buzdolabının üzerinde Kişinev kartpostalımın olduğu bir fotoğraf. Allala ne alaka ben buna kartpostal vermedim ki derken, bu kartpostalı Kişinev'de bir hostelde gezgin arkadaşım görmüş bana gönderdi dedi. Ben Türk'üm, Isabel Zellanda'lı, bilmiyorum arkadaşı nereli, kartpostal Kişinev'de 10 gün kaldığım IQ hostelde. Aylar önce bıraktığım kartpostal geldi beni buldu. Acayip mutlu oldum. Dünya küçük, mutluluğun ne zaman, nasıl geleceği hiç belli değil.