I'm looking a new country...



I've lived a fantastic non-stop weekend. Reggae concert (Bob Marley`s birthday), parties, cocktails, new people, new places, discoveries, surprises. So I am very tired but I'm not complaining :)

My Visa will finish 1 month later. I have to leave lovely Ukraine. It will be difficult. I need a new city, a new agency and a new country. My first target is Minsk / Belarus. Now I have to continue, I am sending e mail to agencies now. I wish write longer but I must continue...

See you.

There is not any answer from Belarus. I will send e mail to another countries, Moldova and Bosnia (11.01.2016)



Fantasik bir haftasonu gecirdim. Bob Marley`in dogum gununu kutladik. Sonra baska partiler, lezzetli kokteyller, farkli tatlar, yeni insanlar, yeni yerler kesfettim. Bugun pazartesi ve epey yorgunum ama sikayetci degilim :)

Ukrayna`dan 1 ay sonra ayrilmak zorundayim. Sanirim zor olacak. Neyse, simdi bana yeni bir sehir, is ve ulke lazim. Hedefim Minsk / Belarus. Daha uzun yazmak isterdim fakat ajanslara mail gondermeye basladim ve devam etmeliyim.

Gorusmek uzere...

Henuz Belarustan ses yok. Birazdan Moldova ve Bosna`ya mail gondermeye baslayacagim. (11.01.2016)

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