Snowboard time...



I want to learn something new in every country. I've choosed snowbord in Ukraine. I've tried it last weekend. Valeri made reservation for me (English trainer, board etc). Thank you Valeri. I paid totaly 450 Grivnas - 17 $  for 1 hour. If you do not want a trainer 1 hour is 100 Grivna - 4 $.

It was exhausting. I did not feel my legs. Now I have pain in my arms and legs! But it was very fun and excited. I will ski alone next weekend for practice. Yes I fell 5-6 times. But main problem is not this. My problem is standing up...

By the way I am still waiting an answer about job from Belarus and Moldova.



Her ulkede bir sey ogrenmek istiyorum. Hafta sonu snowboard yapmaya basladim. Valeri gerekli rezervasyonlari yapti sagolsun (Ingilizce bilen hoca, board, kiyafetler vs). 1 saatlik ders icin her sey dahil 450 Grivna yani yaklasik 50 TL odedim. Ders almadan kaymak isterseniz; kiyafet board vs her sey dahil 1 saati 100, 2 saati 150 Grivna yani 12-18 TL.

Cok yorucuydu, bir ara bacaklarimi hissetmedim, her yerim agriyo ama epey keyifliydi. Onumuzdeki hafta pratik yapmak icin tek basima kayip, sonraki hafta 1 ders daha alacagim.
Evet 5-6 kez dustum. Benim icin sorun dusmek degil, kalkmak...

Bu arada Belarus ve Moldova`dan is icin haber beklemekteyim.

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